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Robert Risk Manager et Chief Risk Officer
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Profil mis à jour le : 24/09/2018

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1180 € HT par jour
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Disponibilité : Dispo : Maintenant
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58 ans


Risk Manager et Chief Risk Officer

Expériences professionnelles


Equitable Life, Aylesbury, Royaume-Uni

Deputy Chief Risk Officer

Fév 2018 - Août 2018

Assureur (mission) Deputy Chief Risk Officer Président du Comité des Audit, Risques et de Conformité. Membre du Comité Exécutif.
Président du Comité de Modélisation et Modèle Interne. Membre des Comités ALCo et Brexit Création ou entretien de système ERM (risk appetite, polices, cadre ERM) Élaboration des cartographies pour l'ensemble des risques y compris actuariat, préparer et présenter le Group Risk Report. Réalisation des tableaux de bord.
Responsable du processus ORSA et de la mise à jour annuelle de l'ORSA, du SFCR et du RSR.
Constitution et suivi des plans d'actions de risques y compris ceux de l'actuariat.
Gestion du processus de remontée, d'analyse et de traitement des incidents pour l'ensemble des fonctions Évaluation du dispositif de maîtrise des risques opérationnels Rédaction des analyses et rapports de risques et de contrôle interne. Validation des contrôles Suivi des audits, des travaux de conformité et de sécurité financière Animation du dispositif de culture des risques via e-learning et présentation.
Responsable de la relation avec les régulateurs Britanniques et Irlandais Gestion d'une équipe de quatre personnes.



Juin 2017 - Déc 2017

* Président du Comité des Risques et de Compliance. Membre du Comité Exécutif.
Élaboration des cartographies pour l'ensemble des risques y compris actuariat, préparer et présenter le Risk Report de la branche France. Réalisation des tableaux de bord.
Constitution et suivi des plans d'actions de risques via l'outil Open Pages Gestion du processus de remontée, d'analyse et de traitement des incidents pour l'ensemble des fonctions Évaluation du dispositif de maîtrise des risques opérationnels Rédaction des analyses et rapports de risques et de contrôle interne Étude de la gestion de crise, des plans de continuité d'activité , Disaster Recovery, Crisis Management préparant l'arrivée des plans Recovery and Resolution de EIOPA Suivi des audits, des travaux de conformité et de sécurité financière Animation du dispositif de culture des risques via utilisation des outils de la Communication, magazine interne, e-learning et présentations.
Gestion d'une équipe de trois personnes.
De 4/16 a 1/17 Année sabbatique IFRS 17, protection des données (GDRP).


Directeur des Risques Opérationnels et des systèmes d'informations

Oct 2015 - Avr 2016

Banque d'Investissement (mission) Directeur des Risques Opérationnels et des systèmes d'informations
* Conseil après du Conseil d'Administration. Responsabilité directe de la reconception du cadre de la gestion des risques et de la conformité des régulations du Royaume-Uni, des Etats-Unis et d'autres entités juridiques dans le monde entier. Interpréter les règlements dans un programme de transformation des risques de marché, de crédit, de liquidité et les risques opérationnels. Membre du Comite ICAAP.
* La formulation de la stratégie de conformité de l'entreprise basée sur l'EBA/règles de la CAF et les meilleures pratiques Réécriture complète de la gestion des risques politique, normes et procédures de gestion des risques (y compris les risques émergents, l'ancien et le nouveau produit commercial, risque, FX et risques conduite par exemple) de scénarios (pour ILAAP et ICAAP) crise financement du terrorisme et de la criminalité financière l' ICAAP et BCBS 239 Règlement et exigences, la gestion des risques des SI rythme accéléré
* La préparation de l'ordre du jour et présentations réglementaires au régulateur FCA (UK)


Directeur des Risques Opérationnels

Août 2015 - Oct 2015

Banque (mission) Directeur des Risques Opérationnels, Conformité et des systèmes d'informations, division cartes bancaires Barclaycard
* Membre du Conseil de Direction et Président du Comité des Risques et de la Conformité Risques de marché, de crédit, opérationnels, stratégiques et de conduite en œuvre du risk appetite financière et le blanchiment (Les PEPs), ID&R (KYC), de la gouvernance et de la culture, le risque de réputation, les autorisations et les risques d'autorisations qu'ils répondent, et continuer à satisfaire les attentes et les obligations des régulateurs faiblesse et de faire des suggestions d'amélioration compétences appropriées Gérer les décisions l'adéquation et l'efficacité des contrôles et de la conformité avec les stratégies de groupe, et l'auto-analyse des exigences réglementaires et de conformité Conseil d'Administration 2015 gestion du risque au moyen de la communication et de la formation


Responsable des Risques

Jan 2015 - Avr 2015

Assureur (mission) Responsable des Risques Solvabilité 2 et ceux du Financial Reporting Council.
* Refonte de la documentation et systèmes Risk Management dans une optique de simplification et de préparation pour Solvabilité II.
* Mise en conformité pour une soumission Formule Standard présenté à l'autorité des assurances au Royaume-Uni
* Livraison réussite au COMEX des résultats.


Consultant et Leader Risk Management, ORSA et IMAP

Août 2014 - Déc 2014

* Suite à une demande des autorités Lloyds of London, travail sur une refonte complète de l'ORSA avec mise en conformité selon les textes Solvabilité II et ceux du Financial Reporting Council.
* Soumission d'un tableau de suivi « Lloyds Minimum Standards » auprès des autorités.
* Refonte de la documentation et systèmes Risk Management dans une optique de simplification et de préparation IMAP.
* Mise en conformité pour une soumission IMAP présenté à l'autorité des assurances au Royaume-Uni assurances) et au COMEX .


Consultant et Leader Gouvernance des Risques ALM/IRRBB/CRD IV/ Model Risk, Département Treasury

Jan 2014 - Juin 2014

Banque (mission) Consultant et Leader Gouvernance des Risques ALM/IRRBB/CRD IV/ Model Risk, Département Treasury complète (pour le remplacement d'un modelé de gestion des taux d'intérêt non trading book) pour les risques de marché. Constitution d'un framework trois ligne de défense :cycle des rapports de contrôle de la ligne 1, les tests et les UAT, tests en parallèle, reporting IRRBB, les profils de comportement, modèle interne, Expert Judgement et normes pour un nouveau modèle interne à l'échelle mondiale : rapport ICAAP QRM.
* L'analyse des régulations Bale II/III, FED, OCC, PRA (UK), FCA (UK) pour produire la documentation de conformité réglementaire ci-dessus. La surveillance du respect des procédures réglementaires qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur l'exécution du projet.


Consultant et Leader Risques Opérationnels et Systèmes d'Informations

Août 2013 - Déc 2013

Banque (mission) Consultant et Leader Risques Opérationnels et Systèmes d'Informations framework de gestion des risques opérationnelles (y compris le risque conduite) pour la gestion des arriérés (prêts hypothécaires et des comptes courants) en 1ère ligne de défense pour les régulations BIPRU MIPRU (UK) // prêts/PSR/lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et des normes PCI


Consultant et Leader IMAP (Classe 7)

Oct 2012 - Août 2013

IARD et Vie (mission) Consultant et Leader IMAP (Classe 7) l'équipe constitué 1ere et 2eme ligne. Etroite collaboration avec les Actuaires.
* Conception et auteur de la Gouvernance de la Validation du Modèle Interne, de ses contrôles et des Control Reports.
* Conception et auteur de la Internal Model Validation Policy pour la validation du modèle, le processus de suivi des recommandations et des résultats) Validation du Modèle Interne.
* Production du Rapport de Validation par Control Report destiné vers différents comités y inclus le COMEX des résultats.
* Suivi des recommandations par le CRO (Chief Risk Officer) et de l'Audit Interne des changements (recalibration) du Modèle, exercices de Back-Test, Sensitivity Testing et de Stress-Test.
* Management de l'équipe de Validation, fixation des objectifs et évaluation.


Consultant et Leader Validation du Modèle Interne

Août 2012 - Oct 2012

* Constitution et coordination d'une équipe de Validation Solvency 2 dans le cadre de la validation du Modèle Partiel Interne Vie (sous Prophet) et IARD (sous Igloo/RMS) couvrant les Pilliers 1 et 2.
* Chargé du la planification des travaux, de son suivi et affectation des travaux au sein de l'équipe constitué 1ere et 2eme ligne. Etroite collaboration avec les Actuaires.
* Conception et auteur de la Gouvernance de la Validation du Modèle Interne, de ses contrôles et des Control Reports.
* Conception et auteur de la Internal Model Validation Policy pour la validation du modèle, le processus de suivi des recommandations et des résultats) Validation du Modèle Interne.
* Production du Rapport de Validation par Control Report destiné vers différents comités y inclus le COMEX Management des résultats.
* Suivi des recommandations par le CRO (Chief Risk Officer) et de l'Audit Interne des changements (recalibration) du Modèle, exercices de Back-Test, Sensitivity Testing et de Stress-Test.
* Management de l'équipe de Validation, fixation des objectifs et évaluation.
* Réalisation : Livraison d'un Target Operational Validation Model pour EIO


Consultant et Leader IMAP (Classe 7)

Fév 2012 - Avr 2012

* Diriger et préparer la Internal Model Application Process (IMAP) Submission pour Legal and General (L&G) Group selon l'article 203 IM1 du texte Level 2. Direction d'un équipe de 14 personnes.
* Réalisation : Livraison d'une solution complete pour IMAP


Consultant IMAP et Solvabilité II IARD

Juil 2011 - Oct 2011

* Diriger la IMAP Submission et expert pour le marche anglais de RSA.
* Definition et elaboration du System of Governance sur le Pillier 2 et 3. Refonte des systemes de risk management.
* Elaboration des polices (polices) de Risk Management (Risk Strategy, Risk Appetite, Use test, Risques Emergents et ORSA).
* Réalisation :
* Livraison d'un systeme de risk appetite et capital management
* Livraison d'une solution ORSA
* Livraision des polices de Risk Management


Responsable du Pillier 2 Europe et Risk Manager Senior EMEA

Fév 2010 - Juil 2011

* Leader Solvency 2 Technique pour EMEA avec le management d'une équipe de 8 personnes (Risks Managers et Business Analysts.). Gestion « business as usual » des risques du groupe (13 pays) formation.
* Prenant l'initiative d'être le leader d'un projet complexe avec des challenges non négligeables.
* Design complet et interprétation en blueprint technique et technologique d'un Framework ERM/ Risk MI pour Aviva Europe/EMEA pour l'ensemble des risques. (Risques d'assurance, actuariat, marche, crédit, opérations, liquidité, concentration et contagion, réputation. ) de Gouvernance, du risk ownership (matrice et apportionement des risques).
* Redefinition des processus Stress et Scenario pour l'ensemble des risques.
* Elaboration et mis en place d'un procès sur la stratégie et ses risques.
* Formation et réorganisation en fonctions and risk reporting par pays utilisant les mêmes données; soutenant la solution Solvency 2 du Groupe.
Utilisant mes expériences précédentes de Chef de Projet et de Solvency II pour satisfaire la conformité demandée par les régulateurs dont le FSA, AMF et autres autorités.


Senior Operational Risk Manager/Risk Management Project Manager Project

Fév 2009 - Jan 2010

Solvabilité II (Mission d'un an) pour l'ensemble des risques. (Risques d'assurance, actuariat, marche, crédit, opérations, liquidité, concentration et contagion, réputation. ) Système de Gouvernance, du risk ownership (matrice des risques).
* Process Reporting Solvabilité 1 ICAS - Développer and conception des chapitres risk management dans le report ICA report pour FSA.
* Déterminer le processus et mise en place du processus pour la quantification des risques opérationnels.


Global Risk Operational Manager

Mars 2008 - Jan 2009

Solvabilite II. Responsable des Risques Opérationnels et des Systèmes d'Informations,


Adjoint au Directeur des Risques

Mai 2006 - Mars 2008

IARD Adjoint au Directeur des Risques


Responsable d'Animation Commerciale National

Juil 2005 - Mai 2006

VIE Responsable d'Animation Commerciale National (Classe 6 Titulaire)


Chef de Produits Stagiaire

Fév 2005 - Avr 2005

* Dans le cadre de mon DESS, un stage de marketing et conception de produits vie, leur apportant mon expertise de réseaux de distribution, vente et connaissance du marché d'assurance santé, dépendance et retraite.


Responsable Développement Entreprises Vie

Avr 2004 - Jan 2005

IARD et VIE Responsable Développement Entreprises Vie (Classe 5)
* Dans le cadre d'une création d'une plateforme de courtage et gestion de patrimoine:
* Création d'une offre entreprises et négociations d'ouverture de codes courtage auprès
* de compagnies et d'institution de prévoyance.

DESS 218

Oct 2004 - Sep 2018

Changement de métier du au handicap


Charge de Mission

Avr 1998 - Août 2003

* Détaché auprès d'un cabinet d'un agent général et un cabinet de courtage.


Chargé de Missions Bancaire

Oct 1992 - Avr 1998

IARD Chargé de Missions Bancaire, GAN Assurances, Strasbourg


Charge de Compte

Jan 1991 - Déc 1992

BANQUE ET VIE Charge de Compte


Assistant Manager

Jan 1990 - Jan 1991

BANQUE Assistant Manager



Jan 1986 - Jan 1990


Managing Director

Sep 2018 - Sep 2018

* Since 2011, I have worked as a Risk Consultant, working for clients such as Barclays Capital, Barclaycard, Co-Op Bank, Gain Capital, Amlin, NFU Mutual, Ecclesiastical Insurance, Legal & General, Mazars LLP and Royal Sun Alliance.
* Assignments have involved Basel III: ICAAP and ILAAP; Solvency II: Internal Model, Compliance, Actuarial, Conduct Risk, Mergers and Acquisitions, Data Risk Management, IMAP Submissions, ORSA, Part VII transfers.
* Since 2010, I have been following the developments of IABS for IFRS 17 (IFRS 4 Phase II) and IFRS 9 through meetings and groups. I have developed a spread-sheet to measure the provisional impact of IFRS 17.
Recent Contracts:

Equitable Life - Deputy Risk Director
* Drives the development and maintenance of the Society's risk appetite, risk policies and Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework, ensuring that arrangements for risk governance are robust and effective;
* Reviews and challenges the Society's risk management arrangements and key controls and mitigants in the first line, and provides risk management input and challenge into key projects;
* Leads the preparation and enhancement of risk reporting and MI for relevant committees;
* Reviews and challenges ORSA, SCR, and other solvency modelling approaches, including the suitability of assumptions and methodologies, and assessment of limitations and areas of expert judgement;
* Provides input and challenge to the Society's actuarial assumptions, Dynamic Distribution Model and capital distribution decisions each year;
* Deputises for the Risk Director;
* Chairs the Technical Review Committee; Audit and Risk Committee in Risk Director's absence subsidiary
MetLife Europe (Based in Paris) - Head of Risk and IT Security - France
* Acting local CRO, reporting to CEO and Group CRO as Head of Risk and IT Security to the Board with direct responsibility for risk, compliance management and IT security frameworks framework for the French legal entity (regulated by the CBI); in an entity that is going through a complete digital transformation.
* Member of the Executive Board, Chair of the Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee operations and risk reporting (functional and Board level) in order to identify, measure, monitor, manage and report all risks (including emerging risks). Ensure that the company is compliant with Solvency II regulations, train and develop local policies where necessary.
Develop and maintain the annual Risk Strategy.
* Have oversight of the calculation of Standard Formula and reserving.
* Perform review and challenge of RSCA functional reporting including financial risks such as liquidity.
* Set Board appetite, monitor risk limits, report to the Risk Committee.
* Maintain and develop the Operational Risk Framework including IT security and GDPR.
* Perform Control Validation through Thematic Reviews and Deep Dives.
* Maintain relationships with the CBI, APCR and Deloitte and be able to demonstrate the smooth running of the Risk Management Function.
* GDPR programme manager and Lead for France

Gain Capital (City Index)

Sep 2018 - Sep 2018

* Reporting to Global CRO acting as an Executive Risk and Compliance Management Consultant to the Board with direct responsibility for redesigning a comprehensive risk and compliance management framework across the entire firm in the US, UK and other worldwide legal entities.
Interpret regulations into a risk transformation programme for Market, Credit, Liquidity (Treasury) and Operational risks. Member of the Executive ICAAP committee.
* Formulating the firm's compliance strategy based on EBA/FCA's rules and guidance on best practice their obligations under these changes, how they impact the business and how to meet the changes with frameworks managing of its risk exposures across all functions as exhaustive as the firm can manage aggregate and by function and Procedures (including emerging risk, new/old product risk, trading, FX and conduct risks for example) ILAAP and ICAAP) Plan standard anti-money-laundering, terrorist financing and financial crime and requirements, IT Security and IT Risk Management pace
Barclaycard UK - Interim CRO and Business Unit Conformance Officer (SMF4)
* Member of the Executive Board, Chair of the Risk and Compliance Committee Funding, Credit and Conduct Risks and Compliance Strategy and Culture. Maintaining the overall risk and control framework for this area (including Collections); embedding a culture of responsibility and accountability to support and enable the CEO in discharging his ownership, responsibility and accountability for the assessment, control and mitigation business and compliance risk appetite within which employees can operate, ensuring this is articulated and communicated within the business and to risk management including IT Security and IT Risk Management regulations, ID&R (KYC), Governance and Culture, Reputational Risk, Authorisations and Permissions Risks thematic, to assess the extent to which line management complies with regulatory procedural requirements and relevant internal control standards put in place to ensure the Company meets external legal and regulatory requirements they meet, and continue to meet, FCA expectations and obligations making suggestions for improvement activities are addressed in a timely manner. This includes maintaining appropriate records of all assurance activity the regulator understood by Exco and management, are consistent with appetite and comply with Group and Barclaycard policies, applicable laws and regulations, and card scheme requirements and effectiveness of controls and compliance with Group policies, and self-testing of regulatory and compliance requirements Risk Report implications for their specific business area & translate this into appropriate action plans communication and training

Sompo Japan NikkonKoa

Sep 2018 - Sep 2018

* Engaged as Risk Officer at Sompo Japan NikkonKoa Europe reporting to the CRO. Chair of the Risk Management Committee. Responsible for the whole risk management system including Operational, Market, Liquidity, Insurance and Credit Risks. Design, implement and maintain the rolling calendar for business risk reviews, produce Risk MI and report to the Risk Committee.
Refresh risk governance and policies. Set Risk Appetite and escalate risks. Maintain risk register and Risk Strategy to be aligned with the business plan. Author the ORSA regulatory return.
Pillar 3 reporting (SFCR, QRT and RSR), Part VII transfer of NikkonKoa, Reserving, Data Risk Management and regulatory reporting. IT Security and IT Risk Management.


Amlin - Risk Consultant

Sep 2018 - Sep 2018

* Engaged by Amlin to project manage, redesign and author a yearly Lloyds' ORSA regulatory return in Word, engage with risk owners in the business in conducting risk analysis "deep dives" on insurance risk, investment risk, credit risk, liquidity and operational risk.
Review/ re-author the main Internal Model documents and the re-author the IMAP Submission.
Contribute to the development of regulatory procedures by identifying areas of weakness and making suggestions for improvement. Work with the Head of Actuarial, CRO and Board in linking the strategic goals of the firm as well the requirements of the ORSA from a regulatory perspective. Work with IGLOO and actuarial methodologies. Include current IFRS and future IFRS 17 requirements.
* Considerable stakeholder and face-to-face Lloyds of London regulator engagement.
Barclays Capital - Internal Model Risk Governance Consultant
* Engaged by Barclays Capital to design and implement a globally compliant Internal Model Validation TOM and framework and complete 3 Line of Defence Lifecycle including Line 1 Control Reports, actuarial tests and UAT, internal model scope, reporting, behavioural profiles, internal model controls, expert judgement framework and validation of policies / standards for a new global internal model: QRM. ICAAP reporting above. Compliance monitoring of regulatory procedures that may impact delivery of the project.

Legal and General - Group IMAP Submission, Methodology and Technical Standards Lead
* Engaged by Legal and General as Group IMAP Submission, Methodology and Technical Standards Lead. Prepare and develop a detailed Internal Model Application Process (IMAP) Submission for approval within Legal and General (L&G) Group; ensuring the Submission is compliant with the Solvency II regulations, is approved by FSA and then meets L&G's on-going regulatory requirements. Reporting to the Group Internal Model Director, the IMAP Submission Lead updated the IMAP Submission in line with the regulations and incorporate L&G's commercial needs The principal accountabilities included:
* Provide high quality technical compliance and analytical support to the Group Internal Model Director assessing and monitoring current and proposed regulations and potential Internal Model including Internal Model Governance strategies and policies;
* Design and develop an IMAP Submission, preparing a document, which will be presented to the Group Risk Committee/Group Board. Report progress to the Board on a fortnightly basis.
* Act as the subject matter lead for the IMAP Submission project, ensuring that the Application being delivered will obtain FSA approval in November 2012. This will involved:
Face to face engagement with the FSA as required to achieving FSA approval of the Group Internal Model Completing definitions of the actual processes, responsibilities and reporting as required to prepare a complete, accurate and appropriate IMAP Submission for the Group deliver the approved Submission before 30th November 2012 accurately describes the Group's operational environment and meets the prerequisite requirements of a successful IMAP Submission Policy, the Internal Model Change Policy, Data Management Policy, Expert Judgement, Materiality Standards, Aggregation and Attribution Policy, Calibration Standards, Profit and Loss Attribution Standards and Statistical Quality Standards as required for inclusion in the IMAP Submission IMAP Submission accountabilities. This included identifying and resolving any technical issues, gaps in documentation or methodology as they arise by coordinating SMEs from different areas through workshops. Report any potential impacts to PMO of technical issues Group's IMAP Submission as and when required The IMAP Submission Lead provided in-depth technical knowledge and expertise to lead the oversight process for the Group Internal Model on a technical basis. This requires changes and updates of the Group Internal Model for insurance (actuarial) risks, market risks, credit risks, operational risks and liquidity risks The IMAP Submission Lead provided subject matter expertise required to ensure effective implementation and operation of the IMAP Submission after the completion of the Solvency II Programme. The IMAP Submission Lead also provided expertise on the Solvency II European Directives and how to apply them in a broad business context. Utilise their wider business knowledge/experience to develop the Group's Internal Model strategy. They will be able to work with the businesses to ensure insurance (actuarial) risks, market risks, credit risks, operational risks and liquidity risks are being effectively covered within the Group's approved Internal Model. Lead a team of 14 Co- Operative Bank - Executive Risk Management Consultant
* Engaged by Co-op bank to design, implement and project manage a new Operational Risk Framework (including conduct risk) for Operational Arrears Management (arrears and collections for mortgages and current accounts) in Customer Operations in 1st line of defence to BIPRU / MIPRU/ lending/PSR/Anti-Money Laundering and PCI standards
NFU - IMAP Submission and Validation Lead
* Engaged by NFU (for GI and Life) to review as IMAP Submission and Validation Lead, write and update the actuarial Internal Model policies (including EJ) and framework to enable the Board to BAU and sign off the Solvency 2 framework. Work with Life and GI Actuarial teams in defining methodologies.
NFU - IMAP Submission and Validation Lead (Contact Extended)
* Engaged by NFU as IMAP Submission and Validation Lead to deliver an Internal Model Validation TOM and framework and complete 3 Line of Defence Lifecycle including Line 1 Control Reports, actuarial tests, internal model scope, internal model controls, and validation of policies / standards and IMAP application. This is also included a redraft of the Data Quality Policy, internal model flowcharts, description of databases and construction, Data Dictionary, Data Interfaces, Data Loading Processes (ETLs), Data Consistency controls, filters to debug databases, security and maintenance in data warehouse solution and looking at the materiality impact on the IMAP application.

Other Contracts:
Rothschild Securities compliant to Basel III, BIPRU and CVA standards to assess their ICAAP requirement.
* Engaged by Nile Blue GRC to design and implement a compliant Conduct Risk framework for a bank and an insurer feeding through to the financial institutions Capital Assessment Framework and Conduct Risk Appetite.
* Engaged by Ecclesiastical Insurance as IMAP Submission and Validation Lead to create TOM for IMV to facilitate IMAP Submission, Defined current and desired capability using Proof of Concept and Case Based Reasoning; built and authored validations, policy and standards;
designed detailed process guide; collaborated with actuaries to build validation tools to prove accuracy of Internal Model; created validation report; trained and audit teams; and secured Board sign-off. Succeeded in delivering a robust IMV Framework that facilitated IMAP Submission and secured FSA approval.
* Engaged by Legal & General as Senior Internal Auditor in an Advisory capacity.
* Engaged by Mazars LLP to Lead IMAP Submission and define the risks of delivery surrounding ORSA to determine if their RMS was fit for ORSA purposes.
* Engaged by RSA to act as UK IMAP SME Lead, develop system of Governance Framework and author Risk Strategy, Capital & Risk Appetite and Risk Management Framework documents. Also worked on Use Test, Emerging Risks, ORSA and Internal Model Validation.
* On all assignments, interpreted regulations and provided expertise to client's Internal Model Governance, Internal Model Change, Data Management and Aggregation & Attribution policies, as well as Materiality, Calibration, P&L Attribution and Statistical Quality Standards.
* Incorporated Solvency II design and technology architecture into client's IMAP Submissions.

CRO for UAE and France

Senior Risk Manager

Jan 2011 - Juil 2011

* Responsibly for risk management of the French (including Asset Management) and Dubai legal entities.
* Reporting to the CRO, selected to completely redesign the group risk management framework, enhancing functional capability and creating a more proactive culture / approach due to an s166 notice following audit issues and an effectiveness review. Proof of concept and case based reasoning methodology framework to best practice standards (FIRM - fully integrated risk management © .) with functional MI aggregate packs and dashboards to produce regulatory and internal risk reporting.
* These functional risk assessment MI packs integrated a top down approach to capital and risk appetite frameworks to align with economic gain approach proposed by Group (based on RORAC) regulatory requirements (including Dubai, France, Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe) group's IT infrastructure and ready for IMAP submission / application accountability matrix/risk apportionment) and control processes IT, Insurance, actuarial, market, credit, operational, liquidity, concentration & contagion, internal model and reputational risks. IT Security and IT Risk Management
Solvency II (Pillar II) - Technical Lead Aviva Europe FEB 2010 - DEC 2010
team focused on PAQC, IMAP, ORSA and solvency ii business analysis and training standardising the stresses and scenarios for all countries for ICAS Reporting (ICAAP) Romanian legal entity for 2 months to avoid regulatory closure complete risk management framework to the Dubai local legal entity
* Reason for leaving Aviva: impending restructure of European business


Senior Risk Manager (Contract)

Jan 2009 - Jan 2010

* This was a contract role within operational risk to provide support to the chief risk officer in the identification, assessment and treatment of strategic and enterprise risk, as well as managing a number of key risk projects FINMA (SST test) and SAMA compliant risk management and control frameworks projects (Mainly ORSA And Other MI) Capital Modelling Pre and Post Solvency II to move towards a holistic ERM System (France) And BMA (Bermuda) Regulation coordination with finance teams on Pillar 3 reporting.
* Developed the counterparty credit risk framework for reinsurance and broker credit risk.
* Developed KRIS for insurance, financial (market, treasury, ALM), credit, emerging and operational risks (including IT Security and IT Risk Management) with supporting reporting capability.
* Developed and redesigned relevant sections in the ICA report to the FSA and oversaw controls around ICAP; embedding ICAP within the risk management framework. IFRS reporting. Actuarial systems.
* Developed complete framework from stress and scenario testing for operational risk using failure mode & effect analysis. Standardised stresses / scenarios for capital assessment


Global IT

Jan 2008 - Sep 2018

* This was a dual role as Deputy Head Of Risk and Global IT & Change Risk Manager. The role focused on developing IT and Change risk management from scratch for the company's global PMO and IT functions compliance to BAFIN MA RISK and acted as Pillar II technical lead including Trade Finance) information data security within the businesses (business partnering) 50% travel involved ensuring consistency of approaches, MI reporting and senior management commitment.
* Represented risk management on group operational risk capital modelling group, PMO and IT risk committees.


Group Risk Manager

Mai 2006 - Mars 2008

For The UK Group entity including Private and Group Clients (e.g. Fine Art and Speciality), Reinsurance, Consulting, Finance and Global Risk Consulting. Worked with the Board on the due diligence risk assessment and then acquisition of Firebond and Footman James insurers into the Private and Group Clients Business.
* Assisting with the Regulatory Assurance and Risk Management plan thematic, to assess the extent to which line management complies with regulatory procedural requirements and relevant internal control standards put in place to ensure the Company meets external legal and regulatory requirements continue to meet, FSA expectations and obligations under TOBAs and Binding Authorities as may be applicable making suggestions for improvement activities are addressed in a timely manner. This includes maintaining appropriate records of all assurance activity the regulator understood by Exco and management, are consistent with appetite and comply with Group Aon policies, applicable laws and regulations in UK and in US and effectiveness of controls and compliance with Group policies, and self-testing of regulatory and compliance requirements



Juil 2005 - Mai 2006

Designed, Marketed, Underwrote group and individual life Insurance to a tied 3000 agent network and banks. New product research and development: Launched 7 new regulated products onto the B2C and B2B market including protection, health, individual and group life pensions (DC and DB types, investment SICAV,FCP (UCITS and Non UCITS types) and specialist PPI using multi-channel e-commerce/social media distribution. Tracking product life cycles, competitor landscape and new products/innovation, actuarial pricing, product risk management, client satisfaction surveillance. Managing and re-training 15 regional managers on a national basis.
WORK PLACEMENTS at Europ Assistance (Travel Insurance)


Mars 2004 - Juin 2005

While Studying Masters 2 Risk Management and Actuarial Techniques, Dauphine University, Paris, France


Life Regional Business Development Manager, Underwriter and Wealth Manager

Oct 1992 - Août 2003

Using the Gan/ Groupama Asset Management wealth platform advised businesses and individuals in protection, life and pension products. Investment Asset range: Bonds, Diversified, Equities, Money Market, Multi Asset. Strategies: Aggregate, Absolute Return, Balanced, Defensive, Directional, Dynamic, Government Bonds, Money Market, Investment Themes in SICAV and FCP UCITS funds. Built bespoke investment/ fund solutions for wealthy clients.


Account Manager

Oct 1991 - Oct 1992


Assistant Manager

Oct 1990 - Oct 1991


Research Assistant

Juil 1986 - Oct 1990



2016 : Membre de L'institut et faculté des actuaires, londrès

2008 : Fellow de l'institut risk management. Londres



2010     APM/SPOCE - Managing Successful Programmes under Prince 2 (certificat de management de programmes APM)

2006     Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon - PhD Actuarial Science

2005     Université Dauphine (Paris IX) - DESS 218 Techniques d'Assurances et Management du Risque

2005     Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon - MBA

2002     GAN ASSURANCES - Marché des Particuliers (niveau expertise), Fonctionnement des Marchés Financiers, Approche Patrimoniale du Marché Patrimonial 1 et 2, Marché des Professionnels et Prescripteurs (assurances collectives niveau expertise), Marché des Entreprises Collectives (niveau expertise), Communication et Techniques de Vente (niveau expertise)

1992     INTERSEM (GROUPE CIC) - Epargne Salariale : PPESVI, Loi Fillon, PEE, Intéressement, Participation

1992     NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK - Formation management d'équipes

1990     IEP Bordeaux - Institut d'Etudes Politiques, section économies et finances via Erasmus

1988     Kingston Université, Royaume-Uni - BA (Joint Honours) Languages, Economics and Politics



Allemand : Connaissances de base

Anglais : Bilingue ou langue maternelle

Italien : Moyen
